Looking at the job advertisements of leading companies for positions in Corporate Security, it is noticeable that basic knowledge of Risk Management is increasingly mentioned as a requirement.

Next year the basic standards ISO 31000 and 31010 will be published. Both standards have been fundamentally revised in recent years. The main changes to ISO 31000:2018 in the greatly shortened text (from 34 to 24 pages) are linguistic precision and avoidance of repetition. The current form is a laboriously reached compromise in the responsible ISO committees. The next step is a joint edition of the German-speaking countries (D-A-CH). In the future, ISO 31000:2018 could become the basic standard for other subject areas.
In the new ISO 31010:2018 the changes continued. A total of 41 risk assessment techniques are presented. These techniques are each described from different perspectives and information on the scope is provided. This has created a very helpful methodological guide for risk identification and assessment. The significance of the standard goes beyond ISO 31000 and is also applied to other ISO standards related to risk assessment.
For many years we have been offering a practice-oriented four-day basic course on Risk Management in cooperation with the VdS. We are oriented to the practical requirements of Security Management. Activities in the field of Security and Risk Management are connected with the necessity of continuous learning. Topics that occupied us years ago are now no longer so acute, and new topics such as the requirements of digitization or supply chain dependencies are constantly being added.
With our established seminar program we offer excellent training opportunities in a very personal environment. With our modern web-based tools DEMiOS 2.6 and CUSTODiOS 2.0 we offer answers to the demands for up-to-date tool support.
Finally, I would like to thank you for the trustful cooperation in the year now coming to an end. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year.
Instead of greeting cards we will send a donation for the exemplary work to the children’s charity “Happy Children” in Nepal, which we know personally.
With kind regards
Klaus Bockslaff and Team